August (was) Membership and Extension Month
Posted by Mary Sackett
Maybe you know some business associates or family members who would make great Rotarians, but you never considered them for club membership because they don't live near you. Take the time this month to call them, tell them why you think they'd make great Rotarians, and submit membership referrals online.
August is Membership and Extension Month, the perfect time to share your passion for Rotary. Maybe you know some business associates or family members who would make great Rotarians, but you never considered them for club membership because they don't live near you. Take the time this month to call them, tell them why you think they'd make great Rotarians, and submit membership referrals online. The prospective members' contact information will be sent to district leaders in their geographic area, then forwarded to individual clubs. Share your passion for Rotary by clicking on the link below, and challenge everyone in your club to do the same!
membership referral outside of harbor club