Harbor Rotarians worked in October 2011, and again on a very rainy day in January 2012 to beautify Pickleweed Community Center for all that enter.  The work was appreciated.  

Thank you so much for all your work on beautifying the area in front of the Canal child care center!

That section of the park has always been such an eyesore, and now it’s an inviting gateway to the center.

Thanks for the donations of trees, plants, rocks and soil and for all the hard work and coordination.


Cindy  Stameroff has done an amazing job of coordinating this project. As always, it is such a pleasure to work with you all: the hardest working Rotary Club in Marin!


All the best,


Cory Bytof

City of San Rafael Volunteer Program Coordinator

City of San Rafael Sustainability Program Coordinator

(415) 485-3407

SanRafaelVolunteers  - CityOfSanRafaelSustainability

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