America's #1 PARENT MENTOR, Rowena Starling, discussed three common mistakes made by business owners.  She handles fear/phobia/anxiety/and stress coaching (
Want to know the 3 mistakes?  1. Avoiding change.   Everything in life must change.  Pay attention to your internal conversation.  Mediate...stay in the moment.  Downslides or backslides begin with not paying attention.  2. Do not follow the definition of insanity (mistakenly attributed to both Albert Einstein and Ben Franklin) as doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results..  Don't let anxiety hold you back in business:  knock out your fears.  3. Do not think struggle and effort are needed to succeed.  "Seven people die every 2 seconds from stress".  (Author's note:  I looked it up; 110 million people die annually from stress in the world, and if you do the math I suppose that comes out to 7 every 2 seconds.  Interesting side note...110 million Americans have STD's at any given time, too.)
Marianne Williamson, a student of Gabby Bernstein, said "You succeed in spite of struggle and effort, not because of it."
In summary,  Struggle and Effort (#3) are obsolete.  Instead, get rid of your fears (#2) and meditate for calm (#1) to imagine the results you want.