Sponsor Tom Sutton pins the Rotary International wheel upon John Noerr, as Membership Chair Jim Carriere directs in the Tuesday morning ceremony.  All Rotarians in attendance then circled by to shake John's hand and welcome him into our club.
ImageJohn Noerr of San Rafael has supported not-for-profits for many years in consulting on a pro-bono basis.  This makes him fit the definition of what our member Carola Detrick calls a perfect candidate:  John has been a Rotarian for many years; he just didn't know it.  We look forward to using his expertise in our various local and international acitivies.  He is particularly interested in our work at Davidson and Pickleweed Park, since one of his hobbies is Landscape Maintenance.  He has also been a strong advocate for education and has served on many school committees.  WELCOME, John, to the Rotary Club of San Rafael Harbor, the Club that Touches People's Hearts.