John Bottari discussed the CA Employers Advisory Council, an organization which he leads as California President this year. John covered information also available on their website, but personalized it with reasons an employer should join:
The California Employer Advisory Council (CEAC) is your connection to employment and workforce development information. The CEAC has been in partnership with the State of California Employment Development Department (EDD) since 1980. As the nonprofit, statewide umbrella organization for local Employer Advisory Councils (EACs), the CEAC:
- Provides low-cost, timely seminars on topics such as employment law, workforce development, and human resource practices through the local EACs.
- Works with the EDD to promote regulations, policies, and procedures that are business friendly.
- Provides links between employers, EACs, and the EDD at the local and state level.
- Notifies employers about pending legislation that may impact them.
- Provides employer representation on state-level panels, boards, and advisory groups.
Then, Daisy Batten spoke of Diversity awareness. Daisy is active in her college's diversity program and discussed how easy it is to judge people by first initial impressions based upon skin color, build, ethnicity, or other factors that blind people with stereotypical judgments. Daisy presented a very timely "refresher course" for all of us to BE AWARE of diversity.