Helen, Jeri, Hugh, Judi with Foundation basket PICTURED, LEFT TO RIGHT:
Helen Abe, high bidder for Foundation gift basket $1,000...
District Governor Jeri Fujimoto,   2016-2017
Hugh Murphy, President, RCSRH, 2016-2017
Judi Cooper, Membership Chair of RCSRH, 2016-2017 and high bidder for the wine which Helen pulled out of the basket and auctioned...$160.
TOTAL HARBOR contribution...$1,160.
Of course, we set the bar high.  The prior highest basket had been auctioned for $600 at Half Moon Bay.  Our winning streak didn't last, though, because that night, our basket was sold at RCTL for fifteen dollars more...and then, not to be outdone, the RCME upped their basket bid to $1,200.   As President Murphy exclaimed " I would hate to be the last Club the DG visits as it may get a little expensive surprise. Well it is all good as the money goes to the Foundation and the winning Bidders get Paul Harris points."
Pictured at right:  Helen Abe dancing down the aisle with her prized basket!
Governor Jeri seems to be trying to step aside, and in the background,
President Hugh Murphy is preparing our surprise gift for Jeri..a "living landscape" for her wall.