Davidson Middle School Administration responds quickly to vandalism of garden
Posted by Susan Lundy
on Sep 24, 2015
On Tuesday, September 15th, unknown vandals broke into the organic Garden at Davidson, turned the cameras away, and proceeded to tear up much of it. On camera, you could see a shadowy image that appeared to be an adult but could not even tell if was male or female. On Wednesday, Davidson removed the doors for repair but on Wednesday night, the deer ate the plantings down to the nub. Lori Davis of Sanzuma not-for-profit and one of her Board members had been working for five weeks to get seedlings to the right state to enthuse the kids, and had succeeded. So now, Lori has managed to get donations of chicken wire and stakes, and she and her husband covered the soil to ready for new plantings on Saturday the 19th to try to protect the plants that are left. Today (Thursday the 24th), Davidson has installed a temporary gate and, per Harriet Maclean who has been working closely on the garden repair, has now offered to pay for chain link fencing to deter additional vandalism.
Lori said "I just used it as a teaching opportunity to explain to the students some of the possible problems that happen with URBAN FARMING, so they just pitched in and started helping clean up the mess and start over." Way to go, Lori, Harriet, and Davidson Administration!
President Bev says we will, of course, be scheduling a work party sometime this year so we can help, too. Meanwhile, we financed some of Lori's wish list for supplies and equipment. Please go to see the 3 minute video if you have not yet done so: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYvKcijHgdE