May 28, 2019
Canceled Assembly: DARK.
Choosing our Local and Global Service Projects for 2019-2020


The assembly will be rescheduled.  NO MEETING TODAY, per President Barbara (convention).


Join us for the annual community service funding event!

The San Rafael Harbor Rotary Foundation (SRHRF) will contribute to a project if it meets the following criteria:


1.  The project is recommended by an active member of this Club for the year to be funded by completion of the 1 page "Project Proposal and Funding Request for 2019-2020"; and

2.  If funded for the prior year, the recipient grantee has completed and submitted the (new 2019-2020) "SRHRF Grantee Report of Use of Grant Funds" one page survey; and

3.  Is ranked in order of the approval of the highest number of votes of the Club members at the springtime Assembly.  (All proposals are ranked in decending order of votes);   and

4.  Has the approval of the 2019-2020 Board of Directors of the RCSRH and the 2019-2020 Board of Directors of the SRHRF; and

5. Can be fully funded in the fiscal year by the budget approved by both Boards.

Exceptions to the above can be made in emergency situations.  Prior examples within the last five years include the Typhoon destruction in Japan and the fires of Northern Ca.