Oct 15, 2019
Lisa Brinkmann
Marin Villages
Lisa Brinkmann, Executive Director, will speak about Marin Villages which is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization empowering older adults to be active, connected and independent in the place they call home.  Through our network of volunteers and local villages we are bringing to life a great idea: vibrant local communities of members and volunteers, enriching each other’s lives, building new connections and making everyday life easier as we age. 

Our local villages help members stay engaged and active by focusing on presenting a variety of programs tailored to their members' interests. Our programs range from coffees and happy-hours to educational talks and cultural outings, to hiking and games.


These offer the opportunity to meet new friends (something that gets harder as we age) and help prevent the isolation which often accompanies aging. Our members tell us they value this sense of community and friendship as much, if not more than any other aspect of their membership in Marin Villages.